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Private Escort: Commonly Asked Questions

It’s fair to say that sex work is certainly not your average, everyday job. I get asked a lot of curious questions about the job. Here are six of the questions I get asked the most:

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Do you enjoy being a private escort?

Of course I do! Although it took me a while to get to this point. 
Over time, I have become a lot more selective of my clients by valuing my mental and physical health over money.

I have also changed my branding a lot over the past year and type of client who contacts me has changed as well. A lot of people aren’t aware that sex work is more than just having sex. It can actually be incredibly fulfilling and I feel more like a therapist than a pornstar most of the time. I have even had bookings where there is no sex. Men see escorts for a lot of different reasons- loneliness, confidence issues, difficult home life, over worked, wanting to be taught how to give pleasure and the list goes on. 

Believe it or not, this work is a lot more honest and wholesome than the corporate world I worked in beforehand.

Of course, like any job, there are moments that I enjoy less, but these are rare. Overall the positives outweigh the negatives, otherwise I would not still be doing this.

Jasmine Gray, Melbourne Escort

Have you ever turned away a client?

Not since I have worked privately and been in control of screening my clients. My screening protocol is pretty thorough and I usually filter out the d*ck heads before they can get through my door. I have occasionally had to ask a client to take another shower or finished the booking early if we were both too tired. There’s no point dragging on a booking for the sake of filling in the time. 
I did work very briefly with an agency and the client they sent me to was clearly very intoxicated when he opened the door. For my safety, I cancelled the booking at that moment and left the agency for good that night.
woman in black spaghetti strap top holding green glass bottle

What turns you on the most?

If we are talking about physical things- scent! A nice cologne and good hygiene turns me on a lot- even more than appearance. 
Scent imprints such strong memories.
I love when I smell that particular cologne on my clothes later on and it instantly brings me back to a moment with that person.
Personality has a huge impact on how I feel about someone. There’s nothing sexier than confidence (but not cocky), a good sense of humour and a down to earth nature. 
calvin klein one perfume bottle

What happens when you have a booking but you're not in the mood?

This doesn’t happen often anymore. These days, I understand my limits and only see a very select amount of clients.
When I first started, I hadn't learned what these limits were and I often burned out from accepting too many bookings.

I felt bad for the last client of the evening, because I was probably very tired! I also have gained quite a few regular clients. New clients drain a lot of energy because you’re constantly trying to figure out what they like, but it’s a lot easier when you already know what makes them tick. I also keep a healthy lifestyle which helps give me energy to do my bookings. If I’m really not feeling up to it, I would just reschedule but this would be very rare (as I can’t stand flakes, so I wouldn’t want to be one myself).

How do you become intimate with someone you're not attracted to?

There is something attractive about everyone. I care less about physical appearance and more about who they are as a person. The only piece of information I have to judge a client on is how they communicate when they send their initial enquiry. Unlike most dating apps, I don’t have any visuals and I am actually appreciative of this because I have met some of the most interesting and wonderful people who I would not have met otherwise.

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  1. Pingback: How To Avoid Being A Bad Client - Jasmine Gray

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