Escort Agency vs Private Escort

As some of you may know by now, I started working in an escort agency before I transitioned to private work. Working for an escort agency in many ways is similar to working for a brothel. The main difference is that my bookings were at client’s hotels rather than in an establishment. This is my comparison from my experience working as a private escort vs for an escort agency. 

Escort Agency Advantages

There are many advantages in working for an escorting agency. One such is that there is a less work to do. Like most shift workers, once your shift is over and you leave those doors, you can put your feet up relax until your next shift. You don’t take any work home with you.

As a private escort, only 5% of the work is within the booking itself. The other 95% is the stuff that goes on behind the scenes.
Sifting through enquiries is one of the more time consuming parts of the job. I get anywhere between can 5-20 enquiries a day and often only a few of these will lead to a booking. This is why escorts love regulars! We also get a lot of rude and time wasting enquiries. I could write an entire blog post on this alone, so I won’t go into too much detail here.
Working as a private escort has a lot more upfront and ongoing expenses. I spend at least $400 per month on advertising alone. Then there’s renting an incall (~$450 per week), photographer ($1000 per shoot x2 per year), work phone ($500), Ubers, touring etc. It’s not unusual for us to be at loss during a quiet period. 
Agencies cover all these expenses and even if you have zero clients in a night, you’re not going to be out of pocket. I hesitated starting privately for at first because I simply couldn’t afford the start up cost of $150 (single advertisement) + $800 (photos) + $500 (phone) or a total of $1450. Just like any business, it also takes time to make back the initial investment and start making a profit.
white and black calculator on white and blue textile
Agencies have a great support network. Every escort is going to have d*ckhead clients. It’s nice to have the agency managers and other workers to offer advice and support, especially when you’re fresh faced. Bad clients often prey on young/new girls because they know they’re easily taken advantage of. For this reason, I would always recommend newbies to start with an agency or at least find an experienced industry mentor.

Private Escort Advantages

There are a lot of advantages to working in an escort agency, but I ultimately decided to become a private worker for the following reasons.
The main reason is that I prefer to be in control. For my mental wellbeing, I am quite picky about who I see.
No amount of money is worth my mental health, but I don't believe that is true for the agency I worked for.
I often got sent to bookings where the client was drunk or high, which the agency knew is something I was not okay with. The final straw was a client who was absolutely off his nuts on cocaine to the point he spent the whole time waiting by the window, completely paranoid that the FBI were after him. While there was a driver outside for my security, as a young woman, situations like these can be frightening.
Since working privately, I have never felt unsafe with a client. Sure, I’ve have had money issues a few times but these are relatively harmless lessons learned, simply prompting me to refine my booking processes. I am also in control of my branding and setting my prices, which makes a big difference in the type of clients who choose me.
Jasmine Gray, Melbourne Escort
 Another downside to working in the agency was that they take a huge cut of our hourly rate. For the agency I worked for, it was 50%. I understand they have overheads, but I still felt like it was a lot of money to hand over for the work I was doing. You also only get paid per booking, not per hour of your shift. If I was working a 10 hour shift I may only get a single booking, or $250 after handing the agency their portion. That’s $25 per hour. I was making more at my retail job.
I was not a fan of the idle time in between bookings at the agency. Waiting in the agency lounge room for a call just felt super unproductive. Some girls love the down time to socialise with other workers between the sessions. As someone who is introverted, I would rather be in the comfort of my own home.
Both private escorts and agencies have their benefits. I love to be in control of my brand and clients but others don’t want to deal with that hassle. It’s really just a personal choice.
I hope you enjoyed that insight into my experience.

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