Jasmine Gray, Melbourne Escort

Escorts: How to Attract More Clients

I’ve been working as a private escort for over two years now. During that time I’ve learned a lot about how to increase client enquiries.
When I started, I had no idea what I was doing. I had a friend take some shots of me wearing very generic black lingerie and heels. I copied and pasted a cheesy description from a random escort agency’s website and popped my ad up. Back then, I received next to no enquiries. And the one’s I did receive were mostly time wasters or scams.
Over the past two years I worked out how to get not only more enquiries, but better quality ones too. Here are four things that worked for me:
Jasmine Gray, Melbourne Escort

Be Authentic

Authenticity is incredibly important in this industry (or any industry really). Unfortunately, lot of clients do get f*cked around by dishonest or misleading advertisements. You want to give them confidence that you are who you advertise. Professional photos are great to make an advertisement stand out, but also show some candid shots or selfies as well (on Twitter or Instagram) so they can see a more realistic version of you. 
Social media is also a great way to capture your personality so that clients can connect more. The downside to social media is that it’s easier for friends and family to find out, so that will need to be considered before starting one.
I advertise an ‘authenticity guarantee’, where a client will receive a refund of their deposit before the booking starts if I am not the girl advertised. This has worked really well for me. I’ve never had to give a refund. It’s just a way to develop confidence in the client so they will be more likely to turn an enquiry into a booking.

You're The Only One Of You

There is an overwhelming amount of escort advertisements out there. I hesitated joining the adult industry for a long time, thinking ‘what chance does a little weirdo like me have against all these hot babes?’ Well, turns out many guys like weirdos like me. And all different types of girls for that matter.
Find something that makes you stand out amongst the rest. What makes you different? What is it that men like about you in your personal life? As I mentioned, when I first started I was just doing what everyone else was doing. Black Honey Birdette and a cookie cutter description. I soon realised that clients were booking me or returning for reasons I hadn’t even advertised. Physical traits like being fit and having natural breasts, but also emotional ones too- like making them laugh or our mutual interests. I’ve since made sure that all of my marketing reflects this. It’s also important that your marketing is consistent. If you’re advertising yourself as a ‘girl next door’ type, you might want to consider more casual clothing and that the photography is more natural and candid, rather than an editorial type. Don’t feel like you have to decide on your branding straight away. It might take a bit of time to figure out what works best for you.
assorted umbrellas hanging on ceiling

Picture Perfect

As mentioned, it can be challenging to make yourself stand out on escort websites. Creating an eye-catching photo is important to draw potential clients to your profile. There are many photographers out there who cater specifically for escort photography. Even though a photographer might seem expensive (photoshoots can be often over $1000 plus outfits, hair, makeup and a hotel), it’s probably one of the best investments you can make as an escort. I find the most effective galleries are those that are unique and capture who you are. As I mentioned above you might also want to consider a photographer that aligns to your brand. A photographer who creates an editorial look might work for a ‘porn star’ escort, but may deter clients for a ‘girl next door’ type.
If you’ve been in the industry for a while, it’s also worthwhile keeping your photos updated. Our bodies are changing all the time, so keeping your gallery representative of who you are will help you stay authentic and build rapport.
woman holding DSLR camera

The Price Isn't Right

So, you’ve tried all of the above and more and your phone is still ringing crickets? It’s possible that you may need to change your hourly pricing. There seems to be a bit of stigma in the industry about lowering prices. It apparently gives the illusion that you’re not successful, or it may simply tarnish your ego. Honestly, clients really don’t care that much. In fact, the majority are probably excited that you’re suddenly more accessible to them. It doesn’t have to be permanent either. You could offer a special during quieter months. I offered a dinner date special for a month last year (because who doesn’t love food and chit chats) and I ended up making more than any other month. Don’t worry about what other girls are charging or about what clients will think about you raising/lowering your rate. Do what works best for you. Just focus on finding the balance between the number of enquiries you’re getting and the bookings you’re willing to take.

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